MEDIA i Cannes
Vi gir deg en oversikt over aktiviteter i regi av Kreativt Europa MEDIA under årets Cannes-festival.

MEDIA Stand i Cannes
Kreativt Europa MEDIA har en rekke arrangementer under årets Cannes-festival som går av stabelen 16.-27. mai. MEDIA har en egen stand i Village International (nr. 120), som er åpen kl. 9.00–19.00 til og med 24. mai. Der vil du møte ansatte i MEDIA-programmet fra ulike europeiske land. Daglig happy hour: 17.30-19.00, enkelte dager kun for inviterte.
Den norske MEDIA-desken er i Cannes 20.- 23. mai. Ta kontakt for å avtale møter med Ann-Sophie W. Birkenes:
Kreativt Europas arrangementer
Torsdag 18. mai
10:00 – 11:00
European Commission | European Film Forum: “Looking ahead: a vision for the European audiovisual and media industries”
The conference will focus on the competitiveness of the European media and audiovisual industries, and the challenges and opportunities of European companies. While the recovery from the pandemic is ongoing, the sector is facing increased competition from global players in many segments, including in emerging production technologies. Speakers will share their diagnoses on the state of the sector and the attractiveness of European productions and will discuss latest trends on consumption. They will reflect on how to adapt their business models and build on their assets today so as to better serve tomorrow’s audiences.
Keynote: Thierry Breton
Moderator: Marjorie Paillon
Speakers: Carl L. Woebcken, Bruno Patino, Teresa Fernández-Valdés
Closing remarks: Giuseppe Abbamonte
Sted: Main Stage – Palais des festivals og online

17:30 – 19:00
Let’s celebrate the MEDIA community! Focus on the BUSINESS Cluster projects
The Creative Europe MEDIA Desks are welcoming beneficiaries of the MEDIA program (2021-2022) to gather & meet European Professionals during the happy hours on the Creative Europe MEDIA Stand.
Business cluster including; Talent & skills, Markets, MEDIA 360, Innovative tools & business models beneficiaries.
Kun for inviterte – MEDIA-desken sender ut invitasjon til tilskuddsmottakerne det gjelder. Har du ikke mottatt invitasjon, ta kontakt med oss. Er du i Cannes og er tidligere støttemottaker (før 2021), kan du også kontakte oss for påmeldingslenke.
Sted: Pavilion Creative Europe MEDIA, International Village (nr. 120)
Fredag 19. mai
17:00 – 17:30
usheru | Showcase: Unlock the Community
usheru are excited to announce a groundbreaking new project, with the support of Creative Europe funding, called ‘Unlock The Community’. This project aims to build meaningful audiences for films and drastically reduce the cost of marketing. We invite you to join us in exploring this new cutting-edge approach to film distribution, which has the potential to revolutionise the industry.
Moderator/Speaker: Oliver Fegan
Sted: Pavilion Creative Europe MEDIA, International Village (nr. 120)
Lørdag 20. mai
16:00 – 16:30
European Commission | Unveiling the “European Media Industry Outlook”
The European Commission will present the results of its “European Media Industry Outlook”, a report on industry developments in the audiovisual, media and videogames sectors across the EU. It will unveil new data on audience preferences and consumption, explore demand and supply trends, and report on the potential impact of these trends on the European media market and business models.
Moderator: Sten Saluveer
Speaker: Lucia Recalde and and Bastien Remy, respectively Head of Unit and Policy Officer at Audiovisual Industry and Media Support Programmes, DG CNECT
Sted: Palais Stage – Palais des festivals og online (for akkrediterte)
Søndag 21. mai
17:30 – 19:00
Let’s celebrate the MEDIA community! Focus on the CONTENT Cluster projects
The Creative Europe MEDIA Desks are welcoming beneficiaries of the MEDIA program (2021-2022) to gather & meet with European Professionals during the happy hours on the Creative Europe MEDIA Stand.
Content cluster including; mini-slate, slate, co-development, XRVG development, TV and online beneficiaries.
Kun for inviterte – MEDIA-desken sender ut invitasjon til tilskuddsmottakerne det gjelder. Har du ikke mottatt invitasjon, ta kontakt med oss.
Sted: Pavilion Creative Europe MEDIA, International Village (nr. 120)
Mandag 22. mai
17:30 – 19:00
Let’s celebrate the MEDIA community! Focus on the AUDIENCE Cluster projects
The Creative Europe MEDIA Desks are welcoming beneficiaries of the MEDIA program (2021-2022) to gather & meet with European Professionals during the happy hours on the Creative Europe MEDIA Stand.
Audience cluster including; Festivals, Network of festivals, VOD, education film & audience development, Cinema network, Films on the move, Sales, Distributors beneficiaries.
Kun for inviterte – MEDIA-desken sender ut invitasjon til tilskuddsmottakerne det gjelder. Har du ikke mottatt invitasjon, ta kontakt med oss.
Sted: Pavilion Creative Europe MEDIA, International Village (nr. 120)

Tirsdag 23. mai
09:30 – 10:30
Creative Europe MEDIA | Info Session Sales Agents Call
Presentation of the Call.
Speaker: Stefano d’Orilia
Sted: Pavilion Creative Europe MEDIA, International Village (nr. 120)
MEDIA-støttede filmer
Se vår nyhetssak om alle filmer med MEDIA-tilskudd som vises under festivalen: MEDIA-støttede filmer i Cannes.

Cannes Next
Under Cannes Next 17.-21. mai arrangeres en rekke paneldiskusjoner i samarbeid med Kreativt Europa MEDIA. Se hele oversikten her.
For ytterligere info les også: The European Commission gets ready for Cannes